Wednesday, September 4, 2013

... continued.

We subjected Becca's parents to a very Swedish dinner: two types of sill (pickled herring), präst cheese, knäckebröd (crisp bread), Swedish meatballs (beef or horse, depending on supplier), and lingonberry jam. With a side of Norwegian akvavit.

The Natives came over for dinner and brought hvalbiff for the grill. Can you see the difference between cow beef and whale beef?

Bouncy playground equipment brings people together. Literally.

Midnight in Tromsø

A rare photo of the Medley's; not because of the location but because no one blinked.

If you look closely you can see the cable car descending on the right.


  1. Love the pic of you three! Love it! Made me miss you guys oodles!

  2. These are great. I love the one of you and your mum, Becca!
