Sunday, March 2, 2014


The Swedes invited us along on a road trip to visit the annual market at Røros (~2 hour drive from Trondheim). Røros is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and popular tourist destination due to its unique old-world architecture. We spent a great, sunny day there (it was about 32 degrees F).

Røros is an old mining town. This building is a reproduction of the original copper smelting facility that was active between 1646 and 1953. The original building burned to the ground in 1975.

Most of the buildings in the old part of town look like they are made out of old railroad ties that have painted accents.

The market lasts less than a week but it draws tens of thousands of tourists. It feels like an American state fair being held in a museum (notice the cotton candy).

Certain situations were eerily similar to the Scandinavian Festival in Junction City.

$1.67 is a surprisingly reasonable price for a stick of roast-your-own-marshmallows in Norway. Adults, on the other hand, were encouraged to purchase little wooden cups that can be used to hold unreasonably priced shots of hard alcohol.

I'm glad that foreign children are also able to grow up with Pizza Roof.

One girlfriend, accessorized with gløgg and dobbel sjokolade amerikansk smultring.

There is a microbrewery that is located in the cellar of a hotel. The beer isn't great but the pub is cozy and it's definitely worth a visit if you are in town.

We were delighted by all of the musicians that were stationed around town.

Most of the musicians were situated around fires with free coffee near by.

This mural reminded me of something that would be located in Eugene. Or Sweden. It's hard to say why.

Bicycle lights save lives.

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