Sunday, April 6, 2014


March 25th is Waffle Day and the weather was nice so we decided that it was a great day to celebrate the fact that Spring has come to Trondheim. March was pretty warm but we still woke up to small amounts of snow occasionally. It's time to take the spiked tires off of the bicycle and prepare for vacation.

We optimistically tried to fire up the grill after work because it was sunny and 45 degrees F outside. It turned out to be too cold for our little gas grill so we had to finish the steaks in the oven (notice the snow on the ground).

After dinner we had waffles with sour cream, jam, butter, and several types of brown cheese. Becca and I also ate waffles at work during lunch. What a great holiday.

BONUS: This photo wasn't taken on Våffeldagen but it is a picture of the newly-renovated-yet-never-utilized bicycle lift downtown.