Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kitchen Adventures

Eating out in Norway is prohibitively expensive. We have eaten out some (mmm...kebab!) but I have been trying to cook at home as much as possible. I think I have been doing a pretty good job keeping things interesting, but it is definitely easy to get into a rut and start making the same things over and over again.

Some ingredients that I am used to working with can be difficult to find. There is a grocery store called Meny that carries quite a few British and American products. We have been able to find most of the things that we have looked for, but we definitely pay the price. Hershey's chocolate chips are 63 nok (about $11) per bag. A bottle of Frank's Buffalo Sauce (I think Daniel eats some every day) costs about 60 nok (about $10). It is also definitely a challenge reading labels. Everything is in Norwegian! Can you believe that!?   :)

Working in a small kitchen has been quite a challenge. I thought that my kitchen in Oregon was small but our current kitchen is much smaller. We are also using the kitchen goods supplied with the current kitchen. As you might imagine, this is a bit limited. We have purchased a few kitchen items since we have gotten here, but for the most part we have been trying not to buy too many things until we get settled into our own place. This has definitely led to some interesting situations (have you ever mashed potatoes with a spatula?) and the realization that I was quite spoiled back in Oregon.

As we are getting ready to move into our own place (October 7th! Yay!) I am getting excited about a slightly bigger kitchen and a few small kitchen accessories.


  1. I used to mash potatoes with an ice cream scoop or with a whisk before I bought a proper masher. And now, if I'm making a lot, I just use my KitchenAid.

    1. I miss my KitchenAid! I think that Daniel does too!

  2. Mmmmm kitchen aid. What do you suppose an appliance of that sort would cost in Norway? >.<

    Well, you may have been a bit spoiled here, but were were spoiled for having you around. I miss you!

    1. A KitchenAid mixer costs pretty close to $1000 here. But there are other, less expensive altrenatives.

  3. Before we got our toaster oven we used to make toast in a frying pan using a lid. I made pizza that way once, too. I've mashed potatoes here with a fork, once. That took way too long!
    I'm excited to hear about your new place! And see pics! :)

  4. Rebecca, We missed you at school today. Lots of meetings that your sense of humor and expertise were missing from.... : ) Keep enjoying your adventure!

    1. Hi Trish! I too miss all of you at ASMS! My school is on Autumn Holiday this week, so I have had time to work around our new apartment.
